Whats new with Obama

Friday, May 14, 2010

Campaign Pricing

Menu of Services

Zip In Media offers a full range of creative services from web design to HD video production. As a special offer for candidates seeking office, we have created a selection of packages combining the best of what we do at a discounted price.

Email/Domain Configuration
Custom Layout and Web Design
Web Hosting
Content Management System
Donation Link
Web Analytics
Events Calendar
Social Media Integration
Response Time2 daysNext DaySame Day
Web Pages102030
Logo Refresh/DesignLogo RefreshLogo DesignLogo Design
Photo Uploads-SlideshowCustom
Video Uploads-YouTube IntegrationCustom
Video Productions-1 per month2 per month
Price: Set-up / Monthly$899 / $400$1799 / $700$1999 / $1000

We understand that one size does not fit all. If your needs are more modest or exceed what is offered here, please do not hesitate to contact us for custom quote.

Video Productions

We offer two options for video production included with the monthly serve fee.

Live Event Coverage

Live event coverage consists of a video crew at your event for up to 2 hrs covering dinners, speeches, fundraising efforts, or any other events. The video will be delivered to you on DVD and also encoded for web and social media outlets. Selected footage can be used for a electronic press kit of the event or for any other publicity opportunities.

30 Second Commercial

A 30 second political commercial consists of a live video shoot at your location, a professional voice over, all the encompassing graphics, effects, music, and editing for a complete package ready to be broadcast on TV, Web or other mediums. Tell us the message, and we will do the rest.

Additional productions can be arranged on a "per-project" basis.

Web Services

All of the packages include the support of a professional web designer who will help you maintain and update your online content.

Web Hosting

We take care of all of the logistics of domain configuration, emails, and servers. We use high quality webhosting services to ensure your website stays online.

Content Management System

Every site includes a content management system (CMS). A CMS allows you to make updates instantly to a webpage through a web browser. This lets you stay on top of the competition with fresh content, and allows you to broadcast your message quickly to your constituents.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to run and manage a Marketing Campaign for Public Office

How to run and manage a Marketing Campaign for Public Office

Key points that I would like to cover and are imperative to any campaign is

• Donations and Fundraising

• Marketing your position while staying current with the issues

• Having a great online presence.

Donations and Fundraising is key to all campaigns in order to be successful and competitive. Running a successful campaign requires a lot of donors and key events to make those donations flow in. Additionally you should have a safe online donation page on your website, able to take credit card donations immediately and easy. You have to document all your events, then make sure that you can share the experience with all the constitutes that couldn’t make it. Video taping these events and posting them online will show your expert fundraising abilities, while sharing all that you do with the World Wide Web, which increases your chances of winning your election.

Marketing where you stand on key issues is another important part of any political campaign. You have to stick to your guns and let people know were you stand at all times. Especially if there are any new hot topics in the news you have to be right there expressing your opinion through all forms of communication; TV, internet, radio, and of course in person. This is crucial to all campaigns, if you come in 3 weeks after a story breaks you wont look to good. There is a great advantage to the first candidate who speaks out about the different current issues affecting your constituants. The early bird not only gets the worm but they also get the press coverage. Additionally if people are searching for those topics your video,article, and viewpoint will be the first results, getting you in front of voters and increasing your changes of winning your campaign.

Most of you already know that having an awesome online experience and presence is crucial to any political campaign or business. Successful campaigns that have a website, blog, YouTube channel, facebook, twitter, and about 4 other social networking sights, increase the chances of winning ten fold. Of course, if you don’t keep it updated on a daily basis with current issues, positions, and informative videos, your campaign might not survive till Election Day! That’s why the most important part of your campaign is being in front of your constituents as much as possible through web, video, blogs, and nightly news. Don't be shy. You must share with everyone what you stand for and why.

Remember information is the key to all successful campaigns, and I hope this information helped you. If you have any questions or would like to know more please feel free to contact me at www.zipinmedia.com/campaigns.

By: Brian Zippin

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Successful Political Campaigns

Successful Political Campaigns. What makes a successful political campaign?

Well, you're going to need some firm stances on political topics, be quick at answering questions on the fly, and in this day and age you'll need to have E-marketing skills. Now most people going into politics are really great at one or two of these things. However, there are not too many people who shine at all three. We are here to help you breakdown one of the main items of your campaign that is probably the toughest for any candidate: E-Marketing. It's one of the most important pieces in any campaign, whether you are running for Sheriff, Mayor, or President. People will need to know who you are and with E-marketing, you'll have the ability to share your ideas at a moments notice.

There are a number of ways E-marketing concepts can be used to win your campaign. Let's talk strategy. Based on what we have seen from the most successful online campaign of all time, Obama won the presidency of the United States and changed the way candidates market themselves forever. He dominated the online competition with his awesome web-development team, along with the ability for his constituents to share his ideas for change. People related to his message and he gave them the power to share it on the internet, therefore making it their own. By developing a strategy based on research he got his message across effectively online by making his site easy to navigate, easy to share, and easy to donate.

Functionality and the ability to change your site quickly when something happens also ties in with the strategy of your campaign. Most candidates should have a full time or at least part time staff always updating the site, changing it, and keeping it up to date with the changing world. The quicker you can show your support about an important issue, the more relevant your campaign will be. Also, the main goal in your campaign is to keep yourself constantly in front of your constituents. You want to show the public that you do care about what’s going on. You'll also want to show how their campaign support is going to make a difference to their world if you were to be elected.

There are many strategies to keep your name and face in the limelight. You can do it using a combination of devices from Press Releases, RSS Feeds, Twitter, Facebook Pages, Interactive Medium, Social Media, Television, Radio, Print, Email, to good old fashion handshaking and stumping. Knowing what you'll need though, and actually making it happen are two different entirely separate issues. Between meeting with constituents, fund raising and, breathing; when will you find the time to get your campaign into the 21st century? What candidates need to be competitive in today's election races is a devoted Marketing Staff. Complete with Web Specialists, Video Specialists, Social Media Specialists, Writers, Graphic Designers, and Public Relations Specialists. It seems like you would need an army of people and hundreds of thousands of dollars, right? Wrong. To win your campaign all you need is a Campaign Solution.

What exactly is a Campaign Solution? It is a complete PR/Marketing/Web/Multimedia/Social Package, that combines a winning strategy with unending dedication to bring you a non-stop campaign train ride right into office. Where can the guy you're voting for, get that kind of solution, on his campaign budget? Now that's Easy. Campaign Solutions are provided by Zip In Media Productions LLC. Their highly trained staff will team up with you to give you all the right pieces to put you ahead of the game. The service provides you with all the necessities to win; A website, content, press releases, video productions, blogs, social media, news, and calendars. The best part is the price. Affordable enough that any one can run, and effective enough that anyone can win.

To find out more about the packages that will custom fit your campaign visit www.zipinmedia.com/Campaigns

Fundraising for your campaigns!

Fundraising for your campaigns!

Build relationships with individuals and have them help you. To find individuals to help your campaign that are most passionate and that will do the most to help you, look to your Community Business Leaders/members. Make a list of Top Recruiters, Top Donors, and Top Fundraisers in your community, write them a message and call them to tell them about your campaign. Writing personal messages to your community members will greatly improve your chances of attracting these key people or organizations to your campaign. Once they decide to join your campaign, your next step is to ask them to donate to the campaign and to tell their friends as well. This can be very effective at jump-starting a campaign. Also during your fundraising events make them fun and memorable to you and your constitutes.
Feature the campaign on every one of your affiliate's causes. Featuring your campaign on affiliate causes is the second step of creating a fundraising campaign – be sure to carefully select every affiliate's cause. Since you are supporting these affiliates their views and what they stand for could effect your campaign process. Additionally, these affiliates could be and organization, a business, or cause for something. These people are some of your best contributors through marketing, donations, or time.
Send regular (once a week at least) bulletins/emails about the campaign. To send a bulletin/email, make sure your personal Facebook Profile is linked to your campaign site. Once your Facebook Profile is linked, you can go to any affiliate cause and contact those members that you feel should help you with your campaign.
Using Videos and Photos
Video and pictures are incredibly powerful motivators for individuals to donate to your fundraising campaign. If you have compelling, inspirational videos about your fundraising campaign, you can post them to your cause and send them in bulletins/emails to cause members while asking them to donate. You can also use the URL at the top of the page to spread the word and give people an easy way to promote your video or spread the photo around Facebook and other social networking sites.
Follow-up about the impact of the campaign, what worked, what didn't, how your affiliates can continue to be involved, and what’s next for the cause. Do this by sending emails to the key members with another message to get out in front of the people. Better yet, ask for input from your cause members and most active supporters and get a discussion going. What worked and what didn't work? Was there a member or group that did not support you correctly or caused problems? Did one of your messages that you sent out not interest the people? Did you contact the right people? Answer these questions and more to make your campaign successful for the next fundraiser.

What NOT To Do

1.Don’t link to anything outside the cause, except perhaps a link to more information in the first bulletin/email.
2.Don’t ask them to do 3 different things in the same bulletin/email. Choose one action you want them to take, and link to that several times in the bulletin/email.
3.Do not use your website’s donate page. Link to your cause’s donate page in the bulletin to take full advantage of the peer-to-peer fundraising aspects of causes as well as the viral effects of donating on Facebook. To get the donation link for your cause, click on the Donate button, then cut-and-copy the URL for that page into your bulletin/email.
4.Do not deviate from the message. For the duration of your fundraising campaign, don’t send bulletins/emails about other campaigns, other news items, or other petitions. Make sure all of your messages somehow tie back to your fundraising campaign.
5.Do not make your bulletins sound like press releases. Keep messages short, personal, and casual. Focus particular attention on the title, which will determine whether or not your members open the bulletin/emails.

Do's and Don'ts for Any Campaigns

Do's and Don'ts for Any Campaigns

Political Video Do’s

DO put your message up front! – Remember, the average voter will only listen to your video for 6 seconds before turning it off unless it sends the right message. Be sure to put your candidate’s name and the message of the video up front, before the person closes the window or goes to another video.

DO make it different! – Voters are more likely to listen/watch your political video if it is “different.” Have you thought about using a fun way to present your video? What about mimicking other successful commercials? Or you can make it sound like a radio newscast. How about making a video with a conversation between the candidate and a well known person? Think outside the box.

DO follow the rules! – In many places, political videos must carry political disclaimers (like those found on Newspaper ads and direct mail letters), and may be subject to restrictions or regulations depending on where your located or where your ads are being shown. Know the rules, and follow them!

Political Video Don’ts

DON’T annoy the voters! – Running the video too often is annoying. Make different videos, don't keep showing the same images over and over. Videos that are poor quality, hard to hear, or overly verbose annoy voters. You should have videos that are made in HD and are broadcast ready.

DON’T forget that the media is listening! – Never say anything in a political video that you wouldn’t want printed on the first page of the newspaper. Additionally don't show anything that you don't want on the news as well.

DON’T waste money! – Be sure that your political videos only go to registered voters (or, if you’re running in a primary, to registered voters in your own party). Running your ads made to people who can’t vote for you are a waste of time and money.

Although times have changed, campaigning is harder than ever! Today, there are simply too many voters, and too little time, not to mention money, campaigning. Simply put, trying to contact voters regardless of who they are is a waste of scarce resources. This may sound like common sense, but far too many local campaigns fail to follow this advice. Too many campaigns try “the more the better” approach to voter contact, which is not the best thing to do, be precise don't cut a piece of paper with a chainsaw.

Take Aim

Today's campaign relies on targeting – choosing, in advance, which voters to contact and devoting time and money to increasing the quality and quantity of that contact. This targeted approach applies to every facet of the campaign’s voter contact plan. Targeting relies on research and strategy, you must uncover the pockets that you serve and market to them. You can find all the information to make these decisions online. Additionally, don't go to every supermarket and shake hands because this could prove to be a waste of time.

Before starting any campaign, your staff or you should research past elections, voter demographics, turnout and precinct information to determine several key numbers. First, determine how many votes are needed to win this election. Second, determine how many of the votes are needed to come from each of the precincts in the district. The goal is to determine not only how many votes you need to win, but what types of voters you are looking for and what precincts those voters reside in. Once attaining all this information your on your way to a successful campaign, understanding who you're going after and why.

Make Contact – Over and Over Again

Once your campaign has determined which voters you need to target, it will need to focus its voter contact activities (Online Videos, Online spokesperson, Youtube Channel, Commercials, Social media sites, and most important your campaign site) on those targeted groups of voters. Remember visual advertisements work the best when promoting any product or service. Now since you have already established what number of votes you’ll need to win, target various groups of voters that equal (or exceed) that number, and contact them over and over again with your message.

Maintain Control

After your campaign has proven successful, determine what worked and what didn't. Exploit uncovered weaknesses, improve campaign messages, look at the competition, and always stay positive. Additionally give your volunteers specific tasks and objectives in your campaign. Lastly keep in touch with those that voted for or supported you. For more information please keep reading our blog!

By Brian Zippin